Editorial Submission Guidelines

Our standards

CXposé is dedicated to curating insightful and balanced views that explore the intersection of customer experience and marketing technology. Our writers bring a diverse range of articles, interviews, and thought-provoking pieces that delve deep into this intersection, offering a balanced perspective on the benefits and potential pitfalls of various approaches.


Submissions must be the original work of the author, and if a repurposed work is presented in the form of an adaptation from an existing press announcement, must be cited and referenced accurately. Any form of observed plagiarism will result in dismissal of the submitted work.


All submissions must be written with adequate fact-checking and reliable sources of reference to be named or linked within the work. If we determine that a particular fact cannot be verified, we will not publish it.

Submission guidelines

  • We use US English as our standard for our global readers
  • Have a word count typically from 800 to 1,200 words. We may publish from time to time articles that are longer or shorter.
  • Avoid extensive use of industry lingo. Alternatively, seek to clarify the reference for your readers, so that the conversation makes sense for them. Our role is to inform, engage and spark ideas and interests for our readers.
  • Paraphrased quotes must adequately reflect the original context and message of the speaker.
  • Provide a high-resolution image for spokespeople interviewed/featured (minimal).
  • Identify 1 – 2 call-outs that can exemplify an interesting point/hook to your submission. This will be used for social media promotional purposes via LinkedIn and as a video call-out.
  • Audio snippets of a recorded interview will be used for social media purposes and we usually inform interviewees of this usage prior to publication. (Example)
  • We do not promise product or services mentions, or excessive promotion of a brand for all non-sponsored editorial submissions.
  • All submissions will be edited for clarity/brevity prior to publication.
  • CXposé reserves the right to all intellectual property submitted and published within our website and owned social media platforms. Any requests to repurpose, reprint, or republish in any format or purpose must be attributed to the publication and its original author.
  • SEO best practices:
    • Brand names can be included in the title, or a focus keyword e.g. AI-first
    • For subheadings, usage of focus keyword is encouraged but is not mandatory
    • Focus keyword should appear in the snippet (180 words summary of article), URL, and within the article
    • Backlinks to existing articles within CXposé is encouraged
    • External linking to relevant sources must be included
    • Title readability: aim for power words or words that provide either negative or positive sentiments